Decanter 4001
Decanter 4011
Decanter 4030
Decanter with base 4031
Decanter 4050
Glass and pewter decanter with grape decor 4050G
Decanter with stopper 4051
Decanter with grape decor 4051G
Decanter with base 4052
Decanter with base and grape decor 4052G
Decanter with base and stopper 4053
Decanter with pewter base and grape decor 4053G
Decanter with grape garland 4054
Decanter with stopper and grape garland 4055
Decanter with base and grape garland 4056
Decanter with base, stopper and grape garland 4057
Decanter with pewter base 4058
Decanter with pewter grape decor 4059
Decanter with pewter grape decor 4063